Find Time for Balance in Times of Transition

Finding time for balance in your life is challenging – and especially so during times of transition.  And what is fall if not, quintessentially, a time of transition?

As we move toward winter and prepare, in most of the US, to let go of Daylight Savings Time, I’d like to offer you some tips and insights to help enhance your understanding of balance.

1.  Finding your balance comes from drawing on your full range of energies.  It’s less about how much time you schedule for each part of your life than it is about how you approach activities energetically.

For example, if you follow up an ambitious, sales-oriented day at work with a game of handball, then engage in home remodeling until bedtime, you aren’t allowing yourself to relax, reflect and simply BE.  Likewise, if you end a day of care-giving at work by tending to family and grooming your dog, you haven’t challenged yourself in physical or creative endeavors.

Your drive, your receptivity, your originality, and your caring are all distinct energies that complement one another. Their variety adds depth to your life.

2. Balance is about how you use your energy.  It entails living in dynamic equilibrium.

Learn to recognize the feminine energy and masculine energy that feed your vitality.  Observe when you create and dream, and when you take action.  Alternating freely between these 2 energies helps you balance and integrate what is essential in your life.

3.  Balance is about taking care of yourself.

To balance your life, learn to quiet yourself and identify messages you may be working from. Balance comes from discerning each fear you hold and how it drives your choices from moment to moment. As you become aware of your rhythm, you can pace yourself more successfully. You will sense when effort needs to be followed by something restorative. To live in dynamic equilibrium, learn to accept that you can only be in one energetic place at a time.

4.  Balance is activated by aware actions.

Observing yourself and embracing lessons from your intuition are fundamental balance skills. Attune yourself to the signals your body provides to assess the situation, your environment and your choices. Act from an enlightened, inspired, balanced position.

5.  Balance is learning to create harmony with yourself.

Using your time and energy harmoniously will smooth out the wrinkles in your day. You will feel more content and grounded by creating a balanced base for your daily activities. Assess your time choices and motivation by asking questions about how you are using your time in the moment. What do you need more or less of to create a balanced base?  How are you off-center? What happens? How can you regain your balance in the moment?

Are you finding time for balance in your life? Ready to give it a try?  I’d love to hear about your journey!

What if you could find another hour every day? You can! You are invited to sign up for your FREE Finding Time Success Kit. It puts 3 key tools for your time success right into your hands! Grab it and see how you can recharge your energy, reduce overwhelm and frustration, and come to learn that 24 hours really ARE enough!

Let’s explore time together …

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