Finding Time to Nourish Yourself

Finding time to nourish yourself isn’t just about food,  although that’s certainly an important part of the equation.

I like to think of nourishment as what keeps me going. It could be food, silence, companionship, exercise, or any combination of these things.  What nourishes me energizes and sustains me. And that’s true no matter what challenges come my way.

So, what nourishes you?

People need dreams, there’s as much nourishment in ’em as food.

Dorothy Gilman

Sometimes you struggle so hard to feed your family one way, you forget to feed them the other way, with spiritual nourishment. Everybody needs that.

James Brown

The first, most fundamental step in finding time to nourish yourself is getting to know yourself. This helps you identify what you find nourishing.  It’s not going to be the same for everyone.

Nourish yourself with an open heart.

And it may not be easy to get to that information.  Be patient and open your heart. It will come.  As you contemplate the things that nourish you, you may first run into a collection of ‘should’s.’  They can certainly confuse things and bring up feelings.  But don’t let them stop you in your tracks. Instead, recognize them for what they are: Messages from your Inner Critic!

If you’re like most people, you will react to those ‘should’s’ in one of two ways:

  • Compliance or
  • Rebellion.

Either way, if you attempt to nourish yourself based on a ‘should’ that is coming to you from your Inner Critic, you will not be able to sustain it.  Your nourishment will be tainted and you will, soon enough, let it go.

The sad thing is that this pattern can lead to discouragement and a feeling that you ‘can’t’ nourish yourself as you’d like to.

There’s another way…

But that’s not the case – not by a long shot!

Stay tuned, as we continue to explore this truly fundamental element in your self-care and time management toolbox.

And in the meantime…

Want to learn more about how you can expand and deepen your time and efforts … in whatever areas you choose? Here’s a great way to explore avenues to increasing your time skills and heart-based power – whether it’s in your business, or your personal life.  I am so pleased to be able to offer my expertise and support as The Official Guide to “Time Management”.

You can visit by clicking the link, and when you do you’ll find lots of time management articles by experts in the field, along with a vibrant and welcoming on-line community. Stop by my Expert Page and leave a comment or question … or just say hello.  There are lots of ways to connect … I’d love to get started!

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