Finding Time to Read the Best of The Time Finder!

Finding time to look back creates a foundation for moving forward. So, that’s what I’m posting about today, as we move into a new month.

I hope that you had a wonderful weekend. Here in the Northeast, the weather was absolutely gorgeous!

Keeping UpHave you noticed (I certainly have) that finding time to keep up with all the great information that is available on the internet and elsewhere can be a very challenging task?

And have you noticed, too, that you can miss a lot, whizzing along at warp speed!

Tops from The Time Finder

With that in mind, I’m starting a new, monthly feature on my blog that will reprise the most popular posts from the previous month.

Maybe you’ll discover a gem that you missed. Maybe something that you skipped over will catch your eye the second time around.

Here are the “most-read” posts from the month of July, 2008:

What Children Can Teach Us;

Your Time Boundary Baseline;

Finding Time Using Carrots, Not Consequences!; and

Finding Time by Setting Boundaries – The Journey Continues.

I hope you enjoy looking these over – and, as always, I love hearing your thoughts and feedback!

What if you could find another hour every week? You can! For more Time Finding resources, you are invited to sign up for my free, weekly Finding Time Tips. Each Tip is paired with a practical action step that you can use IMMEDIATELY … and as a bonus for signing up, you’ll also receive my free, monthly Award-Winning Finding Time E-zine!

Let’s explore time together …

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