Stress is probably the #1 culprit when it comes to depleting your energy, robbing you of time, and draining your confidence. And it’s the sort of thing that snowballs. The more you’re affected by stress, the more powerful and debilitating it becomes.
Stress: First You Need to See It
Stress can be sneaky. The busier you get, the less time you have to reflect on how you feel and how you are doing. You may not know that you are under growing stress until its effects become too ‘big’ to deny. Perhaps you notice high levels of irritability or reactivity. Or perhaps you feel physical effects of stress, like elevated blood pressure or a racing heart.
Ideally, you want to recognize and address your stress well before it gets to these levels. That’s because, aside from the negative aspects of how stress makes us feel, there is also the fact that we work much less efficiently and effectively when we are under stress.
Stress Busting Tip: Opposites Attract
Once you recognize your stress and are ready to address it, here’s my #1 Stress Busting Tip. It’s counter-intuitive, and it’s the most helpful action you can take to address your stress.
You’ll need to make a leap of faith to put this tip into action, because it’s exactly the opposite of what every cell in your body wants to do …
Stress Revving You Up? Slow Down!
Yes, when stress has you on the run, the best thing you can do is, as soon as you recognize the feeling, slow down. This has a profound effect on many fronts.
- It calms you physically, slowing your pulse and your breathing.
- It creates space – a boundary, if you will – where you can gather yourself.
- Perhaps most importantly, it ‘tells’ your stress that YOU are in charge, not it. This immediately changes the inner dynamic and makes things feel more manageable – which actually makes them more manageable, too!
How can you use this stress busting tip to ease your stress and find more time … starting today?
And if you’d like to learn about the ways that your self-criticism eats up your time and energy … and change that for yourself, here’s something to explore! My new Exercise and Guide Book titled, “‘These Critical Voices Are Driving Me Crazy!’ How to Use Positive Self-Talk to Save Your Sanity and Your Time!” offers proven techniques and practical tips to quiet the disruptive, haunting and hostile voices of self-criticism that we all carry inside.
We really can make conscious choices about the kinds of messages that we give ourselves. This Exercise and Guide Book gives you a step-by-step path to take back your power and quiet the self-criticism that saps your confidence, your energy, and your time.
Don’t let those hurtful voices hold you hostage! Click the link to get started!
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