Want a Doable To-Do List? Start with Planning.

Having a doable to-do list is a huge relief. But how do you move from overwhelming to doable? I mean, we all know that finding time to complete the items on your to-do list is an ongoing challenge. So how will planning help? Getting to Doable Let’s take a step back and look at a slightly…

Clutter Taking Over? Root It out With 3 Timely Tips!

Are you overwhelmed by clutter?  Maybe it’s your in-box.  Maybe it’s your To-Do List or your kitchen cabinets.  Or maybe it’s your goals and priorities. Whatever way you slice it, clutter is confusing, discouraging, and a major energy-drain. And clutter is a lot like weeds in your garden; it smothers and chokes out 

Deadlines – Color Your Calendar to Find Time!

Deadlines. We all have them, and managing them can be a challenge – especially if you’ve got very tight, or intersecting, or competing deadlines. Too often, deadlines create anxiety, stress, and rebelliousness. A looming deadline sends many people into a tailspin – the kind of state that makes denial and procrastination look like attractive alternatives. But…

Your New Year’s Resolutions-Are They Off Track Today?

How are you doing with your New Year’s Resolutions? Or maybe I should back up a step: Did you make resolutions this New Year?  Is it a process that you find useful? Fun? Discouraging? One thing we can probably all agree on is that New Year’s Resolutions are a mixed bag. They offer an opportunity to reflect and set…

Your To Do List at Your Fingertips with Dayboard

A To Do List is a key tool for keeping your tasks organized and your top priorities  at the forefront of your consciousness. In the past, we’ve written here about ways to make your to do lists more useful (so that you really do what’s on your list) and more user friendly.

Decluttering in Doable Chunks — Your 52-Week Challenge

Decluttering is a worthy goal, no matter where you are on the clutter spectrum! That’s because clutter doesn’t get rid of itself, AND wherever it exists, it eats up energy and time. If your space is cluttered, everything you undertake is going to take just a little bit longer. And I’m not talking about physical…

Tech Resolutions Create Time Revolutions!

Tech resolutions are pretty common fare around the New Year. That’s because technology can save us mounds of time AND it can eat up untold moments, often without us really even being aware.  So, starting a new year (or even a new month) with