Who’s in Charge? What Do Your Time Choices Tell You?

Knowing who’s in charge of your life and your life choices may seem obvious. But believe me, it’s not always clear. Take your choices about your time, for example. Who’s in charge when it comes to those decisions? Who’s in charge of your priorities? Time is precious. And finding time is a priceless gift. But…

Choice-Making — How to Make Your Time Choices Your Own

Choice-making is basically how you give shape to your life. I was reading an article about choice-making the other day.  The author noted that the simple act of making choices can be empowering. When it comes to finding time, I would have to add that it definitely depends on where your choice-making is coming from.…

What Matters Most — How to Make Time Choices That Work for You

Finding time for what matters most to you is a key skill to develop if you want to find true satisfaction in your life. And what a great skill to practice these days as we head into the thick of the winter holidays. Here in the States Thanksgiving has rung in the holiday season with…

How Your Proactive Time Choices Help You Optimize Your Time

Your proactive time choices put you in charge of your time. And in a very real sense, when you’re in charge of your time, you are in charge of your life. But positioning yourself to make proactive time choices may not come naturally. And the path to making proactive time choices is not always clear.…

These 3 P’s Help you Make Your Best Time Choices

You’ve heard of the 3 R’s, but what are the 3 P’s? They are your key to making time choices that help you use your time for whatever is most important to you. Making conscious time choices is a skill that serves you well, no matter what your goals are or what is happening in…

Interruptions Intruding? 3 Timely Tips Restore Your Focus and Productivity

Interruptions sometimes trip all of us up. But the more you develop strategies for dealing with them, the less time you’ll lose. Using solid time management strategies helps you prioritize, organize, and plan ahead. But once you have a plan, you also need solid skills for managing those inevitable interruptions that challenge your focus and…

Finding Time to Reflect Grounds and Sustains You

Finding time to reflect is an essential time management tool. And, ironically, it’s when that time is hardest to come by that it is most useful and important. This fact is reinforced frequently, in large and small ways. Many years ago it was brought home to us at Finding Time when our web host suddenly…