Celebrate Who You Are If Your Want to Thrive


Celebrate who you are.

When you celebrate who you are you immediately give yourself a gift of energy.

Indeed, acknowledging what we value and hold dear is always a worthy pursuit.

But how often do you include yourself in that company?

In fact, it is vital to celebrate who you are, along with the values that you hold close to your heart.

Any opportunity to pause and reflect is an opportunity to find greater depth and new insights.  It is also a chance to refresh and energize yourself, all in the brief span of a moment.

Pause to celebrate who you are…

Indeed, finding time to give yourself messages of self-validation is a very powerful and accessible source of energy.  The voice of the inner critic undermines and depletes you.

And just so, when you celebrate who you are, the self-validations are like vitamins for the soul.

So, how do you do this for yourself right now? What qualities do you most value in yourself?

Don’t be shy.

The more you recognize your good qualities the more energy and resilience you will bring to your life.

When was the last time you paused to reflect and celebrate who you are? How will you make more time for this in your day?

Here’s more help:

Overwhelmed? Discouraged? Stuck? Well, here’s something that will help you loosen those logjams and start moving again. “Why Can’t I Ever Get Anything Done?” How to Transform Your Life Using These 101 Time Tips is a compilation of 101 of my most popular time tips in expanded form, offering practical, heart-based wisdom in right-sized bites for easy digestion.

It includes time-tested tips and action steps separated into 11 common categories to help you find just what you need in the moment you need it. You know, transforming your life is all about transforming your time.  It’s within your reach, and these 101 Time Tips give you 101 stepping stones to your time success.

And I’ve got a very special bonus for you, too. Why Can’t I Find My Direction?” 17 Journaling Prompts to Create Your Ideal Life is a workbook designed to support you in making the changes you most desire.

There’s so much for you here, and you can learn about it by clicking the link below:


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