Curiosity Expands Your Possibilities AND Your Time!

Curious Cat

Curiosity expands your possibilities!

Curiosity is NOT dangerous – any cat will tell you so!

And curiosity is not a character trait that you’re born with — it’s a skill you develop and nourish.

Last but not least, curiosity, as an approach to your time and your life, is a skill that enhances your sense of abundance and  possibility. You aren’t stymied by setbacks or mistakes – you learn from whatever life presents you with.

So, in our earlier post on cultivating a perspective of abundance, we looked at a powerful tip about your body and your time. Today, let’s see how curiosity expands your horizons!

Curiosity kindles connection.

Get comfortable, take a deep breath, and tune into how you respond when an unfamiliar challenge pops up.

Do you recoil and brace yourself? Fear and tension will narrow your sense of options, stifle your creativity, and create a simplistic either/or scarcity mentality.

Coming from that place it is hard to prioritize, and more difficult to keep to a healthy schedule.  Fear has taken over the driver’s seat, and you aren’t going to be going very far!

How can you change that?  One way is to call on another natural impulse – curiosity!

I wonder what …

Any time you notice yourself apprehensively thinking, “What if …?”, try replacing that with “I wonder what …?”

This is so simple and powerful!

As one of the great antidotes to fear, curiosity provides the perfect climate for learning. You stop focusing on what you don’t know and instead focus on what you are eager to figure out.

This fundamental shift in perspective feels so much better! And it puts you in a superior position to chart out your time, and to ride the new wave of change toward new growth and discoveries.

So, what are some of the common threads when it comes to living in, and enjoying, abundant time?

Well, appreciation of life’s simple pleasures is one. Self-reference (and the self-trust that follows) is another. And realistic acceptance of limits and challenges is an all-important third.

See for yourself how shifting from constriction to expansiveness opens your heart, your mind and your sense of what is possible!

So, as you expand your sense of the possibilities, what’s your next step in this moment?

You can give your time-finding efforts a big boost by signing up for our free gift, “The New Finding Time Boundary Template: 9 Simple, Sequential Steps to Find More Time and Recharge Your Energy!” at

Part of our popular (and FREE) Finding Time Success Kit, this time template will help you move beyond overwhelm, disappointment, and frustration. Using a workbook format, with room to record your answers, you will discover that 24 hours really are enough!

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