Exercise is a Fundamental Self-Care Skill and This Helps You Keep It Going


Your exercise routine keeps you fresh.

Finding time for exercise is often the thing that falls to the bottom of your to-do list.

This is especially true when life gets busy.

And yet, it’s making time for exercise and other kinds of self-care activities that gives you access to your best energy.

This, in turn, enhances what you bring to the rest of your tasks.

Self-care — not a luxury but a responsibility

Indeed, self-care gives you access to wellsprings of energy. This, in turn, heightens the focus, brain-power, and creativity that you have available for all of your other tasks.

So, how will you find time to work some exercise into your regular routine?

First, it is important to acknowledge to yourself, and communicate to others, that this is a priority.  In doing this you are articulating a commitment.  You are also laying the groundwork for setting time boundaries, should you need to.

Next, settle on a time of day that is best for you, along with a number of days per week that you plan to exercise.  While I generally encourage people to “start small” when initiating new tasks or activities, in this case I’d advise that you carve out as large a block of time as you can.  If you need to tweak your plan, it is easier to take away time than to add it, once you’ve established your schedule.

Third, I suggest that you track how the time goes, especially in the initial weeks, and make adjustments as necessary.  The ultimate goal is to have exercise become embedded in your routine. It usually takes many repetitions, and some tweaking, for that to happen.

Exercise: Work it in, no matter what.

Finally – it is also important to have exercise in your routine even when you can’t make it to the gym or don’t have time for a run or bike ride.  This can be accomplished in any number of ways as you mindfully navigate your day, for example:

  • Walk to do errands when you can, don’t drive.
  • Take every opportunity to climb stairs. It’s great exercise.
  • Park far away from the store, rather than as close as possible.  Savor the walk.
  • Take breaks from desk work and get up and stretch or walk around.  Give yourself a break every hour or so. And use a timer to keep from forgetting.

Do you have other ways that you incorporate exercise into your daily routine?

Here are some more ideas to help you, each and every day…

When life is coming at you fast, do you sometimes feel overwhelmed? Discouraged? Stuck?

Well, here’s something that will help you hit the reset button and start moving again.

“Why Can’t I Ever Get Anything Done?” How to Transform Your Life Using These 101 Time Tips is a compilation of 101 of my most popular time tips in expanded form, offering practical, heart-based wisdom in right-sized bites for easy digestion. It includes time-tested tips and action steps separated into 11 common categories to help you find just what you need at the moment you need it.

And I’ve got a very special bonus for you, too. Why Can’t I Find My Direction?” 17 Journaling Prompts to Create Your Ideal Life is a workbook designed to support you in making the changes you most desire. There’s so much for you here, and you can learn about it by clicking the link below:


Let’s explore time together …

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