Find Time for a New Tool and Two Telesummits This Cyber Monday!

Finding time, as a new week begins, is always a welcome gift, isn’t it?  I want to share three things with you this morning, and each, in its way, can help you find time.

First, I’m very pleased to tell you about two exciting, free, and TIME SENSITIVE resources that are available for you this week!

YOUR BRAND IN BLOOM  I am pleased to share that Ally Piper’s “Your Brand in Bloom” Telesummit begins today.  Ally has gathered 15 wonderful experts (including me) who’ll be sharing their expertise and experience with you all week.  And this Friday you can hear me speak about “How to Jump-Start Your Creative Productivity™ Today: Unlock Your Heart-Based Power.”

Sign up to claim your seat for this telesummit – and please stop by on Friday for free access to my call, which will be available for the 24-hours afterward, too.  I’ll be sharing lots of practical tips about how to discover and activate your Creative Productivity™!

MOMPRENEUR MOJO 2012 VIRTUAL CONVENTION  “Unbeatable Heart-Based Boundary Tips Keep You Moving Easily Through Your Busy Day” will be my topic when I speak tomorrow (2/14/12) at the Mompreneur Mojo 2012 Virtual Convention.  The Convention started last Monday and runs through this coming Friday.  It’s jam-packed with amazing guests and TONS of information … and you can still register and access ALL of the free gifts and the MP3’s from each session.

It’s definitely not too late to jump on board and give yourself access to the last week of the convention … not to mention the replays that you can listen to whenever you want!  Just click this link, and the gifts and info are all yours:

And here’s the new tool I wanted to share with you today.  It’s called Pinterest and is described as a ‘virtual pinboard.’ As they say on their site:

Pinterest lets you organize and share all the beautiful things you find on the web. People use pinboards to plan their weddings, decorate their homes, and organize their favorite recipes.

Best of all, you can browse pinboards created by other people. Browsing pinboards is a fun way to discover new things and get inspiration from people who share your interests.

There’s a very interesting post about Pinterest on TechCrunch, which highlights its popularity:  “To give you some idea of how hot this product is, do you know of any other invite-only beta that has over 1.5 million active users on Facebook?”

You must request an invitation to join Pinterest, and I wonder if that somehow adds to the attractiveness of this venue.  I am actually still waiting, having signed up for an invitation just recently.  So, since I have not yet used it myself, I’ve gone to  Mashable for a concise description of how Pinterest works:

Users create lists about anything and fill them with photos from around the web. They can follow other lists and users, and “repin” specific items. An Instapaper-like bookmark makes adding to a list from anywhere much easier than writing a blog post or uploading an image to a photo-sharing service. And the browser experience is ideal for the small attention spans of web readers — almost no text, almost all pictures.

It certainly does sound interesting – and is making news all over the web.  I’d say that it’s worth exploring and learning about – not only relative to your marketing efforts (if you are an entrepreneur) but simply for your enjoyment.

And speaking of marketing efforts, consider this:  Are you an entrepreneur, consultant, or small business owner who’s ready to take the next big step?  If you want to learn how to create and to keep a successful business running on your own, then this is for you! “How to Create Credibility as a Freelancer” is a booklet with 70 expert-proven tips that will help you recharge your energy and motivation, increase your visibility, and sharpen those vital organizational and time management skills.

Success is within your reach, so don’t wait, click this link and get started today!

Let’s explore time together …

Disclosure of Material Connection: I have no material connection with Pinterest and have not received any compensation for writing this content.

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