Finding time to celebrate is a wonderful gift that you give to yourself and your family and friends. Celebrations can be about holidays like Passover or Easter, or about personal markers like birthdays, graduations, or other significant events in the lives of friends and family members.
Each season brings its special joys and celebrations. So savor your life by scheduling ample time to enjoy them.
Whatever their focus, celebrations are events that we often develop rituals and traditions around. Maybe Grandpa always reads at the Seder, his voice becoming part of the weave of holiday memories. Or maybe it’s Aunt Jane’s recipe for the Easter Ham, or the special birthday song that your family has adapted for its celebrations. Our lives are enriched and colored by these details and by the time that we take to fully experience and enjoy them.
Create a yearly list of recurring events, such as birthdays, anniversaries and vacations. Plan your celebrations well in advance. Block out time to prepare, celebrate and wind down.
These three steps are each key, and planning time for them will enrich your experience … guaranteed. And your preparation time may involve working out concrete details and logistics. This is especially true if you are directly responsible for part of the celebration.
Or it might involve preparing yourself emotionally. Our friendships and family relations are not always simple or straightforward. So preparation time may involve reflection, letting go, and other emotional work. Ultimately, that work clears the way for a fuller appreciation of the present moment.
Time is of the essence…
Blocking out plenty of time for your actual celebration, and leaving time at the end for debriefing with yourself are also key. If you make time for each element in this process you give yourself space to savor and honor the life that you have made. This also allows you to deepen your experience, leaving you with richer memories, and fewer regrets, as the years go by.
How do you make time for your celebrations now? Are there changes that you would like to make? I invite you the make a comment and share your insights … I’d love to hear!
And how about this?
What if you could find another hour every day? Well, you can! So, for more Time Finding resources, you are invited to sign up and download The New Finding Time Boundary Template. It’s FREE, and when you sign up you will also receive (if you don’t already) my FREE, weekly Finding Time Tips and my FREE, monthly Award-Winning Finding Time E-zine!
Let’s explore time together …
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