Find Time for Some Resolution Remedies from Solo-E this Cyber Monday!

This Cyber Monday I want to draw your attention to a very special offer from Solo-E that is available through Friday, February 5th!

Not familiar with Solo-E?  Founded in 2003 by Terri Zwierzynski, Solo-E is a virtual learning resource (and vibrant community) for solo entrepreneurs!

They are hosting a one-of-a-kind event that couldn’t be more timely … the Post Resolution Hangover giveaway. This isn’t your typical giveaway … each item is a real product that you normally would have to pay to get. The value of each item is the price at which it sells today … and as you’ll see, there are some very valuable products available, both from a monetary and an information point of view!

The gifts include ebooks, audios, home-study packages and more.  Here are just a few samples:

  • 101 Ways to Attract Clients,
  • Create Your Second Life After 40,
  • The Social Media Content Creation Kit,
  • Building a Strong Brand in a Weak Economy,
  • How to Move Through Fear for More Money;
  • From Drab to Dynamic,
  • The Finding Time Quick-Start Guide (yes, that’s us), and lots more.

Here’s how it works:

Up until February 5th, you are invited to visit the Post Holiday Hangover Remedy Page and gain immediate access to these incredible resources to help cure your Resolution Hangover, provided exclusively by solo entrepreneur gurus including:   Alicia Forest, Ann Ronan, Loren Fogelman, Tracey Lawton, Allison Babb, Tina Forsyth, Rebecca Zwar, Christine Gallagher, Lou Bortone, Heather Dominick, Laurie Weiss, Laurie Mandato, Zahra Efan, Hazel Palache, Laura West, Eva Gregory, Alicia Smith, Michele PW, Nina East and me!

When you go to the page, you’ll first see some additional free offers that you can sign up for.  To receive any of those offers, you can select the ones of interest to you, and click “Submit.” Or, alternatively, if you want to go right to the Post Holiday Remedy page, bypassing these offers, just click on the “No Thanks” button and you’ll be taken straight to the download page…no strings!

The goal in the Post Resolution Hangover giveaway is to provide you value while supporting the growth of your business at the same time. The best part? Solo-E isn’t asking for anything in return — no email, no mailing address, nada. Just visit Post Holiday Hangover Remedy Page and download your gifts.

So join us, learn what the fuss is all about and at the same time gain immediate access to fantastic resources.  Visit the Post Holiday Hangover Remedy Page – and please feel invited to drop me a line – I’d love to hear what gifts strike your fancy!

What if you could find another hour every day? You can! You are invited to sign up for The Finding Time Success Kit. It’s FREE, and it provides you with key tools for your time success! Grab it and see how you can recharge your energy, reduce overwhelm and frustration, and come to learn that 24 hours really ARE enough!

Let’s explore time together …

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