On her blog Money, Meaning and Beyond, Andrea J. Lee has a regular feature titled “A Course About People | 5 Little Things You Want To Know” where she posts snippets of wisdom from Thomas Leonard, founder of Coachville, and often known as the father of life coaching. This gem caught my eye yesterday:
“People often want things contrary to their value system until they sit down and really consider what those values are.”
Being at odds with one’s core values is a confusing and, ultimately very frustrating, situation. From a time management perspective, it makes setting priorities and making time choices much more difficult than they need to be. And it makes it difficult to feel satisfied at the end of the day, because you are very likely to feel ambivalent about your accomplishments.
Your values not only help you to determine where you want to go – they remind you about why you want to get there. The “why” is often what energizes and enlivens goals – especially when the going gets tough. So finding time to identify your values is a process that puts you back in sync with yourself.
How do you identify your values? Some months ago I wrote about internal and external values. They provide the frame and the context of your time choices and your activities. When you take the time to clarify these things for yourself, you’ll find that things flow much more freely.
Making sure that your values and time choices are in sync means that you’ll be regularly finding time for the things that matter the most to you. Life satisfaction soars in this scenario!
Do you wonder about the relationship between what you want and what you value? I invite you to find some time to sit down and consider your values, as Thomas Leonard suggested.
What do you find? Please send us a comment here at The Time Finder. We’d love to see it … and share it!
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