Find Time to Learn that 24 Hours Really Can Be Enough: 7 Time Management Tips!

Finding time to get everything done that you need to do AND still have time for the things that matter most can be a difficult path to negotiate.

But it’s eminently doable. And you know what?

There’s a different way to be in your day, and I’d like to share it with you!

Time is concrete and finite

But it really is true that 24 hours can be enough.  It requires that you learn and practice some skills.  And most importantly, keep in mind that this is a perpetual process of learning. You’ll always be honinig and adapting these skill sets to your individual situation and needs.

Here are Seven Timely Tips

These will help you along your path to heart-based time success!

1. The “Xs 2” Rule. Always plan for things taking more time than you think.  Estimate how much time a project or task will take, and double it!

2. Develop a system of organization. Take the time to organize your space and your time. If you have a system, you can do anything.

3. “Done is better than Perfect.” If you find yourself consistently repeating tasks, or editing your writing, to get even insignificant details to be absolutely perfect, reconsider your priorities. Fix what is important, but keep the achievement of your desired outcome as your highest priority.

4. Write down or record your ideas immediately when they come to you … otherwise, you may forget them. Carry a small notebook or a small digital recorder with you at all times. This will save you hours of frustration trying to recapture a valuable idea.

The last 3 tips…

5. The way you use your time is the way you live your life. Remember that each of us only has 24 hours in each day.  Each choice about how to use your time “in the moment” matters!  This isn’t meant to increase urgency or add panic to your challenges, but to add a fundamental sense of the very real importance of these time decisions.

6. Set aside one day a month as a “vacation” day. Decide ahead of time what day it will be and note it on your calendar. Then, when that day arrives, use it to do whatever you choose. This habit is guaranteed to rejuvenate your mind, body and spirit.

7. You will not have more time tomorrow. If you do have more unscheduled time tomorrow, other activities will expand to fill it. (See number 1.)  Therefore, resolve to use your time creatively and effectively each day.

Please feel invited to be in touch as you put these tips into action for yourself, I’d love to hear what you think!

Want more help?

Are you inspired to find time and increase your effectiveness?  Here’s a new option for following The Time Finder … we are now available at Amazon, so you can follow The Time Finder on your Kindle.   You can try it out for 14 days FREE, then continue to receive new content, right on your Kindle, every time we post!

In other Finding Time news, I was interviewed by a reporter from our local newspaper, the Monadnock Ledger-Transcript last month, and want to share that with you one last time here.  The article, by Jonathan Gourlay, is titled “In a Busy World, She’s Making Every Minute Count.” Enjoy!

What if you could find another hour every day? You can! You are invited to sign up for your FREE Finding Time Success Kit. It puts 3 key tools for your time success right into your hands! Grab it and see how you can recharge your energy, reduce overwhelm and frustration, and come to learn that 24 hours really ARE enough!

Let’s explore time together …


  1. These are some great tips Paula. Thanks so much for sharing! I really liked #6. I think we all need to take for ourselves every now and then so that we don’t get burn out and to rejuvenate ourselves.

  2. Thanks for your comment, Ashley. I thoroughly agree with you … and hope you’ll be finding some time for yourself this weekend. It’s so important!

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