Find Time to Make Your Morning Ritual Sparkle

Finding time is a wonderful event.  So, why not celebrate it with special time for yourself at the start of the day? A morning ritual offers a chance to celebrate your accomplishments and just being YOU, and gives you a reliable energy boost, first thing, each and every day.

Today I’m extending our exploration of morning rituals with a few tips for creating a most enticing treat for yourself as you begin each new day:

Tip #1:  Create a heart-felt intention to energize your ritual each morning.

What a straightforward way to bring happiness into your day!  Tune in, and open your morning ritual by inviting yourself to express what activity (or lack of activity) would feel most welcome.

Speaking your intention aloud helps attune you to your feelings and to the sense of ease you experience in your body. As you close up your ritual, validate that you have given yourself this gift because you care about yourself. On some level, you are always listening to yourself. Kind words are always welcome.

Tip #2:  Plant the seeds for a fulfilling morning ritual the night before.

As you drift off to sleep, you are especially receptive to positive suggestions. So envision fully immersing yourself in the pleasure of your upcoming morning ritual the evening beforehand. Allow the pleasure to add a few more rays of brightness to the day you are ending. You’ll awaken from sleep more refreshed and prepared for your special time.

Tip #3:  Let your ritual honor your essential self.

What makes you unique? Do you follow a path of intention that guides you when challenges arise? Rituals can be opportunities to turn an appreciative eye inward. Ask yourself meaningful questions, and allow any answers or images to arise intuitively. You may be surprised by what pops up!

Notice what happens when you actively validate who you are. In fact, consider spending a few minutes in front of the mirror. What do you need to hear today? Tell yourself, and take it in.

And before I forget, here’s an important reminder:  Melissa McCreery’s “Too Much on Her Plate Week!” is nearly over.  Melissa created this week-long holiday to help busy, high-achieving people – (sound familiar?) – take control of their lives and make lasting changes to create more success. There’s still time to access the great (FREE) gifts that she has collected for you, but she is closing it down at the end of the day TODAY!

So, while there’s still time, why not go to  and sign up? As soon as you do, you’ll be able to select which gifts you want to receive. It’s as simple as that!

Here’s one more idea for taking your next step toward time success. Sign up for our free gift, “The New Finding Time Boundary Template: 9 Simple, Sequential Steps to Find More Time and Recharge Your Energy!

This time template will help you move beyond overwhelm, disappointment, and frustration. Using a workbook format, with room to record your answers, you will discover that 24 hours really are enough!

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  1. I do like this, thank you! Somehow I’ve been finding my way from ‘What do I have to get done?’ to ‘What do I want to do?’ as the waking-up question that begins my morning. *Relief!*

    Your post just gave me an idea about the real difference between the two questions: the old one’s all about what (I imagine) other people demand of me (which rarely has much to do with real service, as it turns out), and the new one’s about intention and essential self. Sounds really obvious now… 🙄

  2. Hi Hilary –

    I am so glad you liked this post and took the time to write! I think your insight is wonderful and imagine it serving you very well in the days ahead. Beginning the day, not with a “should” but with a positive intention that’s connected to your heart is such a wonderful way to greet possibility. I love it!

    Here’s to you and to your time success …


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