Finding time for scheduling and planning can be difficult. I was witness to a very interesting group discussion recently, in which the words scheduling and planning were pivotal. It quickly became clear that for many in the group, the word that they chose was key in determining how they responded to the task they were presenting themselves with.
Do you experience different responses with the words plan and schedule? How do they resonate for you?
Try this quick exercise — write schedule at the top of a column, and then quickly fill your page with word associations. What comes up? Then do the same for the word plan. What comes up for that word?
Look at your two lists. What’s the feel of them? How do you respond? What’s the impact on your energy and attitude?
Maybe if schedules make you feel rebellious it’s a set up to keep putting yourself on one! How does it feel if you call it a plan?
It was true for many in the group that following through on a plan felt very different, and much more positive and doable than following through on a schedule. The latter brought up feelings of constriction, control, and ultimately of rebelliousness.
I suggest that you try using this exercise with other things, too … especially if you find yourself stuck! The words that we use are important and it really, really helps to pay attention to them.
If you’re getting nowhere with something, think about what you’re calling it. You may be surprised at what you find, and at how quickly you can turn things around for yourself. Give it a try, and let me know how it goes – I’d love to hear!
What if you could find another hour every day? You can! You are invited to sign up for your FREE Finding Time Success Kit. It puts 3 key tools for your time success right into your hands! Grab it and see how you can recharge your energy, reduce overwhelm and frustration, and come to learn that 24 hours really ARE enough!
Let’s explore time together …
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