Find Time to Plan for the Holidays-7 Tips!

BIC040Finding time for planning is one of the best time management investments that you can make! And there is no better time to start planning in earnest for the December holidays than right now.

Planning offers all sorts of benefits, especially during busy times.    Here are 7 tips that can be very helpful!

  • Lay out the tasks that need to be done, so nothing gets “lost in the shuffle.”
  • Break large or complex tasks into steps, so that they become less overwhelming and you can feel your progress as you finish each piece.
  • Plot out timeframes and priorities so that you can pace yourself and be sure that the most important things get tended to (even if you end up not being able to get to everything).
  • Give yourself some “wiggle room” so that if you run into glitches and need to be flexible, you have the space to do that.  (This can be a huge stress reliever.)
  • Talk to others in your life whose help and support you may need along the way, so that they have time to prepare, too.
  • This is a great time of year to practice setting time boundaries.  If others balk or rebel at your boundary-setting, you might try communicating your boundaries in a way that adds to the anticipation and even might make your boundary fun!
  • Leave room for pauses, rewards, validations, thankfulness, and brief breaks, so that you are able to stay in the spirit of the season and not burn yourself out!

For more tips and ideas about making the most of your holiday time, you may want to check out Color Your Holidays With Calm, Confidence & Courage: Tools To Help You Thrive In The Midst Of Holiday Madness.  This FREE teleclass (Thursday, December 3 from 7:00-8:15 PM ET) is being offered by my friends and colleagues Cindy Hudson and Maggie McCauley.  If you’re looking for some great ideas to manage this time and enhance your experience of it, this class is not to be missed!

Want to learn how to set effective boundaries to honor yourself, your time, and your relationships? You can ask for the time and space you need, and get it, too! Claim your FREE MP3, “Honoring Your Time With Boundaries”, and discover tools to move you toward a stronger self and stronger relationships! So, take your next step, click HERE and grab your MP3! When you sign up you will also receive (if you don’t already) our weekly Finding Time Tips, our monthly Award-Winning Finding Time E-zine, and our Finding Time Personal Boundary Template! All FREE – our gifts to you!

Let’s explore time together …

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