Wow – what an exciting call we had last night! Artist and Creativity Coach Ellene Breedlove Davis shared secrets, suggestions and solutions about … “Finding Time to be Creative: Portrait of the Artist.”
On the call Ellene offered fantastic tips about creativity, learning to plan your time and set boundaries for yourself, and starting to joyfully welcome your creative energy into your life! I was especially interested to hear her talk about the connection between her physical space and her creativity … and thought of an exercise that we recently shared in our Finding Time E-zine that will be very helpful as you open yourself to your creative energy … so read on!
Finding time to gently elongate your body in a simple, 30-second stretch opens up your inner spaciousness, making room for your feelings and ideas … for YOU! Reaching outward from deep inside reduces your urge to push your pace into a headlong rush, too! As you take time to stretch, you’ll gently see and feel how your understanding of time is intimately linked with how you live in your body.
It’s really quite remarkable. When your body is cramped, your perceptions, feelings, and energies will narrow, too. Shallow breathing and constriction will almost always ratchet up anxiety. This, in turn, generates a false sense of urgency. When you are cramped and constricted and urgent, your creativity is not likely to flow!
Compare that to how you feel when your body is well-stretched and humming with vitality. Naturally, then, you are living in SPACIOUS time … and your creativity has room to breathe and blossom!
So celebrate the ever-present miracle of your body unfolding. Try this simple, potent exercise and “Grow Long Arms” to enrich your awareness of the moment in any undisturbed location:
Whether seated or standing, simply stretch out your arms to either side. See how moment by moment, your arms reach further… and further. Now relax, and bring your awareness within. Notice how exploring this outer space has increased your sense of INNER spaciousness, too. As you oxygenate your body and stretch your muscles, a new calmness and relaxed appreciation of time suffuses your being.
Often it’s these quick treats that help us the most, because we can engage in them so easily … anywhere, at any time of day! So indulge and be the stronger for it… give your body all the love and oxygen it so deserves, and enjoy entering this special flow of time. And please drop me a line and let me know how you’re doing with stretching your body and your sense of time … I’d love to hear!
And for more nourishment for your creative soul, though the call with Artist and Creativity Coach Ellene Breedlove Davis is over, you can still access the FREE MP3 by clicking the link for: Finding Time to Be Creative: Portrait of the Artist.
When you use your creativity to enhance your life, you will develop even more incentive for developing your best ideas and making them a reality.
What if you could find another hour every day? You can! You are invited to sign up for your FREE Finding Time Success Kit. It puts 3 key tools for your time success right into your hands! Grab it and see how you can recharge your energy, reduce overwhelm and frustration, and come to learn that 24 hours really ARE enough!
Let’s explore time together …
Paula, I’ve enjoyed working with you as we prepared for this teleseminar. The promotion you did was wonderful. I’m so grateful for all the wonderful people that listened and bought the cards that I offered.
You are truly wonderful to work with and I know your teleseries will be well received!
Remember to “Honor Your Creative Spirit!”
Ellene Breedlove Davis
Artist and Creativity Coach
Hi Ellie – I’m so glad that you enjoyed working with us … and that people are taking advantage of your great offer re. your cards. My best to you always!