Find Time to Visit oneforty: Your One Stop Shop to Find the Perfect Tools to Optimize Your Twitter Time

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Finding time to keep up with the best and the latest in the ever-changing worlds of social media and of Twitter in particular, is a gargantuan and ongoing task.  That’s why I am always on the lookout for ways to make that job easier and more efficient.  There are so many Twitter tools and applications out there that weeding through them … and simply finding them in the first place, can be daunting.

That’s where oneforty comes in.  Here’s how they describe their mission on their home page:

Whether you want to find the right social media tools to connect with local customers, enhance your existing sales funnel, or just get the word out, oneforty shows you how Twitter can efficiently grow your business.

How do they do that?  Well, let’s go back to how they describe themselves:

oneforty is an online community that rates and shares social media monitoring software and other sites from the web’s most extensive listing of such tools. In addition, we drive conversation on topics of social business on our social business blog, Twitter and LinkedIn.

They offer a platform for community exchanges about social media tools, as well as a wealth of expertise in that area.  The oneforty blog offers a wide range of posts from 10 Helpful Tools to Increase Productivity to How To:  Engage and Expand Your Community with Facebook Questions.  This is a site that will help you and your business with optimizing your social media time – not just your Twitter time.

One of the very useful pages on their site offers a collection of Twitter Tools, divided into helpful categories.  Or, if you are interested in collections of tools for particular enterprises, you can look at their compendium of specific Twitter Toolkits.  There you can find, for example, The Mashable Social Toolkit, which includes, from Mashable “the tools and applications we use everyday in our newsroom to share or to stay updated on news. We are constantly updating the list, so come back to see what’s new.”  These collections also include helpful, brief reviews by their creators … in this case, Pete Cashmore … indicating why they like and use the tools or apps they chose.

Have you felt overwhelmed by the sheer volume of social media tools and applications that are “out there”?  Then oneforty is a site that you will want to consider visiting and exploring.  (And to stay current, you can also connect with them in lots of different ways in the online social universe.

And, turning from the technological to the more personal … are you inspired to find time and increase your effectiveness, efficiency and enjoyment?

Then, I invite you to explore Secrets of Heart-Based Time Management – my chapter in the book I co-authored – Stepping Stones to Success!  In it I share my proven system for harnessing the power of your mind, your body and your spirit to help you explore your patterns, clarify your values, identify and prioritize your goals … and create your path for achieving them.

The in depth interviews contained in this book provide practical and heart-based ideas to get you moving as you embrace yourself and your own uniqueness!

You can give yourself the gift of this wonderful resource today, and get started on your journey toward success, Stepping Stone by Stepping Stone … just click this link to get the details!

What if you could find another hour every day? You can! You are invited to sign up for your FREE Finding Time Success Kit. It puts 3 key tools for your time success right into your hands! Grab it and see how you can recharge your energy, reduce overwhelm and frustration, and come to learn that 24 hours really ARE enough!

Let’s explore time together …

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