Find time with Time Finder Favorites
When you want to find time it’s always a good idea to look for some time management advice. And curated advice is great, because others have already identified the best tips and tricks!
So checking out what readers of The Time Finder read and shared in the past month is always a good place look … to find time management ideas.
Gmail Makes Undo Send Official – and We All Win! was our top post in July – and no wonder. How many times have you hit the ‘send’ button, only to think, “Oh no!” So having this popular feature available for all Gmail users is a huge plus! Undo Send allows you a pre-determined amount of time to choose to undo your send (we suggest choosing the longest time-frame — 30-seconds).
If you select “Undo” your message will reopen and you can make your edits and then send your corrected e-mail. OR, if you do nothing at that point, your message will be saved to your Drafts Folder and you can go back and work on it later.
Procrastination seemed to be on lots of people’s minds, as our second favorite post attests. Procrastination-Beat It Right Now With 7 Timely Tips! gives you a step-by-step path from delayed to done!
Imagine how much better your life would be if you could kick the procrastination habit. Unfinished tasks have a profound effect on your energy, your sense of well-being, and your peace of mind.
How to Use the Dropbox Badge to Find Time was next among readers’ favorites. If you’re a Dropbox user, you’ll welcome this enhancement. And if you’re not, maybe this post will encourage you to take another look!
In a nutshell, the Dropbox badge appears on any Microsoft Excel, Powerpoint or Word file that you’ve saved in Dropbox. And what the badge does is give you a very quick way to access a powerful array of features …
Exercise on the Run: 5 Quick Fitness Tips for Finding Energy and Time! offered 5 tips to help you find time to exercise. It’s so vital to your well-being. What about giving yourself a boost in that department today? Check out the post for 5 simple exercises you can do anywhere!
And finally, we’ve got our final July post titled Schedule Reflection Time to Be More Productive. It’s an invitation to make sure you give yourself time to step back and assess how tings are going. The more you give yourself this time, the more productive you will be.
We all have the same 24-hours every single day of our lives … and what we do with those hours defines who we are, as well as going a long way to determine the quality of our lives. So, if you’d like to make your wisest time choices, then my #1 time tip is to invest time up front by adding reflection time to your schedule.
What was your favorite post from the past month? How does it help you find time? Drop me a line – I’d love to hear!
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