Last week a Time Finder reader sent me some time management tips that she had found interesting. They come from The New York Times’ prolific and informative tech writer, David Pogue and offer some great ideas – especially for managing information and work flow.
The article – “Pogue’s Productivity Secrets Revealed” is in response to the following question from one of his readers:
“When will you share your productivity tips with us? Not everyone can write five books a year, file two columns a week, churn out a daily blog, speak 40 times a year and film a video every Thursday. What are your secrets?”
I was certainly interested to read tips from someone so productive!
Among his time management tips was the use of voice recognition software. I have always heard great things about Dragon Naturally Speaking and recently invested in MacSpeech Dictate for myself. I am looking forward to learning and using this technology and anticipate that it will be a big time-saver for me. Have any of you used voice recognition software to help streamline your daily work?
He also writes about typing expansion software – something that I have shared with my VA. She is exploring setting up some keyboard shortcuts for herself using AutoHotkey (one of the programs he recommends). Describing how text expansion software works, Mr. Pogue writes,
… I type only the first couple letters of many common words, and the software expands the rest. Since so much of my writing is technology-related, a lot of these words come up often—and they tend to be long ones.
If you have words or phrases that you find yourself typing frequently, it certainly sounds like using these shortcuts could save you lots of time (not to mention avoiding frustrating typos). I’ll keep you posted on what we learn about this through the summer.
Do you have time-saving tricks, tools, and tricks that you use to help with your daily work flow? What are they? I’d love to hear how they work for you!
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