
  1. beingtotal says

    Hi Paula,

    I forwarded one of your articles to someone else. The one on finding time to stay healthy is great, and applicable to what I do. I would like to link to it when I get my website done.

    Even though I have not yet read much of your writing I find myself remembering you when I am making healthy choices about time. 😉

    Consider writing an article about the following (it is my issue but also shared by many others!): When I get a a break from rigorous time management for business, in the time I do not HAVE to do anything, I find that I have competing needs. I feel a NEED to be free of even having to manage time and look at the clock as I’ve been doing that all day. So the boundaries about getting to bed may be compromised by just Being, or doing something pleasurable. I can answer my own question intellectually, but when that time comes and going to bed is the best idea I am just as likely to end up in the bathtub.

    If you feel like writing about the perception of having competing needs I’m sure a lot of folks will benefit!

    Teresa Dietze

  2. Thank you for the kind words and the very interesting question! I decided to write a post following up on the issue that you raise.

    To your time success!


    PS Teresa – the link to your site is not working in your comment. If you e-mail me the complete link, I will fix that!

  3. Teresa Dietze says

    Thank you Paula! Here is the correct link.

  4. Excellent – thanks, Teresa! Your site is fascinating! ( I’m so glad you’re up and running with it!

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