Finding Time for September’s Time Finder Favorites!

Finding time to welcome a new month means looking ahead, as well as appreciating what has been.  It’s a new beginning and a chance to pause and reflect. What will October hold for each of us?  What was most meaningful, as we let go of September and move ahead?

I so enjoy the opportunity, each month, to scan what Time Finder readers have been most drawn to over the past 4 weeks. So here’s our list of Time Finder Favorites for September 2010!

Wisdom and listening to the Wise Voice inside was at the top of the list, as many of you perused “Find Time to Live from Your Unique and Powerful Place of Truth” – and quite a few attended our teleclass with Joanna Lindenbaum, too!

Finding time to live authentically and powerfully in the world … walking, breathing, and choosing from the depth of our truest selves … is one of the most fundamental and rewarding challenges of our lives.  To meet that challenge, we are called to sift through all the different voices that speak to us and learn to recognize and listen to the voice of our own Inner Wisdom.

Your second favorite post was “Finding Time to Align Your Priorities with Your Deepest Values.” This post, too, focuses on the wise voice that we each carry inside, and the importance of living lives and making time choices that are congruent with our values.

It’s so vital to create the space in our lives to quietly listen to that voice – the Wise Inner Voice that can get lost in the noise and bustle of each day.  You know when you hear it and you know when you are living from its deep energy and power.

Next up? “Finding Time by Being Flexible-3 Timely Tips!” is a perennial favorite that stands you in good stead whenever you are dealing with changes and transitions.

Fourth and fifth on our list come a timely post about transitions and a post about an updated Twitter Tool.

Did you have a favorite Time Finder post that we missed? Add a comment about it – we’d love to hear!

And here’s another thing … there’s still time to learn more about listening to the wise voice you have inside so that your priorities and time choices can be more closely aligned with your values. To explore your Inner Wisdom more fully, sign up and give yourself the gift of the FREE MP3 of the most recent interview in my Finding Time EducationRich and HeartBased Teleseries! Just click this link to sign up for Activating Your Inner Wisdom: How to Bring Joy and Success into Your Life – my interview with Soulful Coach Joanna Lindenbaum, and we’ll send you an e-mail with a link to the audio!

What if you could find another hour every day? You can! You are invited to sign up for your FREE Finding Time Success Kit. It puts 3 key tools for your time success right into your hands! Grab it and see how you can recharge your energy, reduce overwhelm and frustration, and come to learn that 24 hours really ARE enough!

Let’s explore time together …

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