Does self-criticism get in your way?
Finding time to make realistic resolutions and follow through on them is something that many of us think about at this time of year. Is that part of your New Year’s tradition? If so, how do you usually do on your follow through?
It’s been my experience that when resolutions come from a place of compassion and self-nurturing, you stand a better chance of bringing them to fruition than if they rise from a judgmental or self-critical mind set.
Indeed, there are few things in life that can sap your energy quite as efficiently as nagging self-criticism can. It undermines confidence and creativity, and often leaves people feeling utterly discouraged or angry and rebellious. Either way, the energy fostered by self-criticism is not conducive to nurturing healthy change.
How Does Your Self-Criticism Look and Sound?
What kinds of things does your critical voice say to you?
If you pause in the midst of your busy life and meditate, or sit quietly, you stand a good chance of hearing the chatter of your critical voice – at least initially. This can be a very eye-opening exercise, letting you glimpse the sorts of energy-draining messages that are droning in the background as you manage your daily activities.
Try this, and jot down a few of the critical messages that you hear. Where do they come from? Do they sound familiar to you?
In tomorrow’s New Year’s Eve blog post, we’ll explore some ways to counter that negativity and free up your energy for following through on your resolutions, hopes and dreams!
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Let’s explore time together …
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