Getting comfortable with anything new can be a challenge. Change is disorienting, and practice usually helps.
So, using time boundaries is something you’ll become more and more comfortable with, the more you practice. If your goal is to organize your time or manage your time better, getting comfortable with time boundaries is key.
Here are 3 tried and true tips that will help as you practice:
Getting comfortable with your time boundaries:
Need Extra Time? When setting time boundaries that affect others, remember to factor in some extra time. If you don’t, you may need to extend the time. Doing that when you’ve promised you’ll be available undermines your credibility when setting future time boundaries.
Be real: Take a few minutes to visualize the task you plan to complete before you set your time boundary. This helps to ensure that the boundary you set is realistic. This, in turn, will make it easier to be firm about it.
Look ahead: It also helps to use visualization to anticipate others’ attitudes and responses to your boundary and plan for how you might reply to each one.
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Want more help getting comfortable with boundaries?
Setting and maintaining boundaries is a skill that makes everything else in your life possible. And it’s a difficult challenge for lots of smart, motivated people. People like you.
“Your Secret Power: How to Honor Your Time and Claim Your Space with Boundaries” gently steers you to a more profound understanding of where and how your boundary-setting efforts get short-circuited. Not only that, but it helps you establish the boundaries you need to unlock the door to your freedom. Boundary-setting is a skill that’s learnable, doable and definitely within your reach. And the strategies, tips and exercises in “Your Secret Power” help you discover how to:
- Set and maintain boundaries to enhance your productivity and, yes, make more money;
- Recharge your energy so you have the time and freedom to do what you value and what you’d like to do in your life; and
- Learn how to say no, which opens the door to your next big Yes.
Ready to start using boundaries to maximize your time and energy? Click the link below to learn more about this transformative time tool and the bonuses that come with it:
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