Power up your Google Calendar with HashtagToDo!
Google Calendar is an excellent tool for tracking your schedule, in part because it’s generally accessible to you no matter where you are and what device you’re using. And while I’m still a paper calendar user, my VA uses Google Calendar for most of her planning and scheduling.
So when she flagged HashtagToDo for me recently, I was intrigued. After a quick review, I wanted to share it with you today because it looked like a potential time-saver.
What HashtagToDo does is enable you to use your Google Calendar as your To-Do List – quickly and easily.
When you access the app, all you have to do is give it access to your Google Calendar. There’s nothing to download.
HashtagToDo — Why is it useful with Google Calendar?
Well, here’s how they describe what this app gives you:
Many people put todos in their calendar so they can see everything in one place. Unfortunately, you have to go back and check if you completed a todo, or move it forward. It’s easy to lose track of things.
HashtagTodo manages your todo list with regular calendar events. There’s no separate app to install or place to check for todos.
Your To-Do items are easily added, simply by typing ” #todo ” at the end of a Google Calendar item (don’t include the “). This adds a checkbox — actually two brackets that function as a checkbox — to the item in your calendar.
When you complete the task, put an “x” between the brackets and this removes it from your To-Do List.
Here’s one of the nice features of HashtagToDo: If you don’t check the item, it is transferred to your To-Do List for the following day. This keeps you from losing important tasks.
Here’s a video that shows you exactly how HashtagToDo works:
Check out the FAQs for HashtagToDo for more information about this tool.
HashtagToDo — Is it for you?
Adding new apps or new processes to your workflow can be a tricky thing. Any change slows you down at first, no matter how efficient the innovation sounds on paper.
So, if you decide to check out HashtagToDo, I encourage you to give it a trial of several weeks to see whether it really helps. You can always disconnect it if it doesn’t!
Disclosure of Material Connection: I have no material connection with HashtagToDo and have not received any compensation for writing this content.
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