Google Keep Adds Reminders to Help You Stay on Track and Find Time

Google Keep reminds youGoogle Keep is a note taking application that has added Reminders (based on time and/or location) to its capabilities.  This is a nice enhancement that keeps Google Keep in the running with note-taking applications like Evernote (which also added Reminders to its tools fairly recently). 

Here’s what they say about this enhancement to Google Keep on the Google Drive Blog:

Notes are a good way to keep track of all you have to do, but most of us need a little nudge now and then. Google Keep can remind you of important tasks and errands at just the right time and place. For example, Keep works with Google Now to remind you of your grocery list when you walk into your favorite grocery store, and nudges you on Thursday night to take out the trash.

There is a Chrome Application, making this tool available for desktop use. Unfortunately, however, Google Keep is not available yet on iOS devices – which is a big drawback for many.

Also, while Google Keep is not specifically set up to integrate with Remember the Milk (my VA’s favorite list application), she did discover a work-around on the RTM forum that allows her to e-mail notes from Google Keep into her RTM lists.  It’s not quite as smooth as the interface between Evernote and RTM, but it works!

Of course, the main thing, from a time management point of view, is to find the tool that works for you and stick with it, rather than continually changing to the “latest and greatest.”  When it comes to finding time, familiarity trumps newness much of the time.

And speaking of reminders, I want to remind you about two exciting (and time-limited) opportunities for you.

Peace with FoodThe first is one I wrote about yesterday:  Melissa McCreery’s book launch!  The Emotional Eating Rescue Plan is about finding time to be your own good and supportive friend as you explore your hunger and discover what you really need to feed yourself. It’s a practical, accessible and inspiring resource that offers a really meaningful alternative to the plethora of diet books that clamor for your attention.

And during this first week of her book’s release, Melissa is offering a “Book Release Special” – $70 of added value that you can read about HERE.  The special is available through September 21st, and it’s a great value from a generous coach.

Solo-E 10th AnniversaryThe second special event is one that I am also very pleased to share with you.  It’s an exciting giveaway that Terri Zwierzynski over at has put together, to celebrate 10 years online!

Just click this link to explore the rich collection of powerful, practical tools being offered for your business and your life. The Giveaway closes at midnight ET on September 27th. (That may seem far away now, but we all know how quickly time can fly!)

Disclosure of Material Connection: I have no material connection with the brands, topics, or products that are mentioned here, and have not received any compensation for writing this content.

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  1. Thanks so much. I don’t have a mobile device beyond my track phone, and have never worked with any of these apps. But this Google Keep in particular, along with RTM look very appealing to me. I clicked the Chrome link you provided today, and feel a bit like a monkey with a newspaper! Wrinkling my brow, tilting my head… But I’m looking forward to trying these so I can consolidate ideas quickly.

  2. Hi Alison –

    This made me smile! I appreciate the challenge that these tools can present if you’re not used to them. But with steady practice, you may find that they serve you well. And in the meantime, thank you for sharing this wonderfully vivid and evocative response!



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