Google’s New Backup and Sync Service Has Your Back

computers backup and sync

Is Google Backup and Sync for you?

Do you have a backup plan for all the material you store on your computer?

It’s vital that you regularly save your photos and important documents to some place other than just your hard drive.

There are lots of backup options out there, and now Google has made it easier to backup and sync whatever material you want to. We’ll be exploring it here at The Time Finder as part of our security plan.

So, how does it work?

Well, here’s what Google says about it, for starters:

You probably keep your most important files and photos in different places—your computer, your phone, various SD cards, and that digital camera you use from time to time. It can be a challenge to keep all these things safe, backed up, and organized, so today we’re introducing Backup and Sync. It’s a simpler, speedier and more reliable way to protect the files and photos that mean the most to you. This new tool replaces the existing Google Photos desktop uploader and Drive for Mac/PC.

Using this feature, you can also sync folders in Drive to your computer. This gives you offline access. You can choose what you sync, and then it will work automatically. There’s also a feature that allows you to set up how your Backup and Sync will react when you delete a folder or file from your computer.

Be careful with these settings. My advice would be to start small and simple, see how it works for you, and then tweak as needed.

Backup and Sync-It’s Easy

Google Backup and Sync will work for both Google Photos (download) and Google Drive (download).

After you download the app, you’ll need to launch it and sign in to your account. Next, select the folders you’ll be adding to your backup plan. These will be monitored and continuously backed up.

If you’re backing up your photos, you will need to choose between high quality and original quality. A very nice feature, if you choose the ‘high quality’ option is that any photos with a resolution larger than 16 megapixels (and videos higher than 1080p) will be compressed. AND, these compressed files will not count against your data cap.

Data cap?  You receive 15GB of free storage on Google Drive. This is a pretty generous allotment, especially considering that if you choose the ‘high resolution’ option, those photos won’t count toward your total. But, if you need more space, you’ll have to pay a fee.

Backup and Sync Video

Here’s a brief video with an overview and simple directions for working with this feature in a Windows environment:

And here’s something more for you…

To become your most powerful and flexible self, sign up for our complimentary gift, the Finding Time Success Kit.

The Success Kit includes “The New Finding Time Boundary Template: 9 Simple, Sequential Steps to Find More Time and Recharge Your Energy!”

This time template will help you move beyond overwhelm, disappointment, and frustration. Using a workbook format, with room to record your answers, you will discover that 24 hours really are enough!

Click this link to get started.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I have no material connection with Google, and have not received any compensation for writing this content.

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