Holding On Holds You Back — How to Let Go and Keep Moving

Holding on holds you back…

Holding on during times of transition is a surefire way to stay stuck.

So, what’s a better course?

Well, life is filled with flux. The movement of our planet means that our environment is changing all the time. 

Right now if you’re in the northern hemisphere, autumn is here. In the southern hemisphere, it’s spring.

And wherever you are, holding on isn’t going to stop those transitions.

Holding on actually hurts you.

Wrapped in the challenges of transition times are profound opportunities.  That’s because every transition presents a chance to reflect, let go, and create a new beginning.

Holding on thwarts that process. It keeps you stuck in the past and closes the door on positive potentialities. 

At every transition point, you have a chance to consciously consider what to keep and what to let go of as you move ahead. These are like turnings in the road, and they define your course.

For example:

Let’s say you’ve had a healthy and energizing routine, all summer, of getting outside for a run in the morning or the evening. Sometimes those helpful and healthy summertime routines just seem impossible to sustain as fall gets underway.

When you notice yourself feeling the impossibility of it all, this is when it’s crucial to remember that you always have the power to make your own choices.  So take a step back and review your schedule and your priorities. 

YOU decide about holding on and letting go.

Survey the landscape and ask yourself some basic questions, like:

  • What is the impact of this transition on the routines you want to keep going for yourself?
  • Are there things that you can flex or let go of to make sure that these parts of your routine can continue?
  • Are there ways to accomplish the activity that you’ve found helpful but do it in a different way?  For example, could you go to the gym and swim, in the morning, rather than running outside?

Make your choices stick.

It takes time (usually about a month) to build a new habit.  So, for several weeks, as you are engaging in your new routine, try planning your schedule on paper, even if you don’t normally do that. 

Writing down your plan reinforces the choices you’re making.  You remind yourself that this is something you value, even as other aspects of your life may be in flux.  This extra affirmation of your commitment will help you stick to your routine until it becomes second nature.

Remember, you’re in charge.

Times of transition can really throw us off track if we experience them as something that “happens to” us.  And even though changes aren’t always in our control, the more mindfully we approach them (remembering, always, that our response to change is our choice), the more likely we are to feel satisfied and empowered in our lives.

So, think of transitions as passages to be navigated, and of yourself as having the helm AND the map.  In doing that, you tap into your power, wisdom and experience to make the most of these rich times.

And for more help…

Change is a fact of life, but do you sometimes feel like it’s coming at you too fast? Or does it pop up unexpectedly and throw all your plans awry? Well, I’d like to share a time tool that helps. no matter what kind of change you’re dealing with.

It’s titled How to Partner with Change and Aging, and to discover more about it right now, just click here: https://thetimefinder.com/partnering-with-change.html

Let’s explore time together…

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