Making Time for Feelings Adds to Your Energy and Success

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Make time for feelings…

Making time for feelings is as key a time management skill as you can ever develop.  And yet, this is a time skill that is rarely discussed in time management circles.  I think that is because feelings are seen as “soft”  and subjective – not measurable or scientific.

When you approach time management in a heart-based way, you include all the parts of you. Your mind, your body, and your spirit are all part of the equation. And that adds up to a lot.

Ironically, we often empower our feelings, as when we experience an emotion ‘taking over.’

But at the same time, we shrug off feelings, thinking of them in much the way they are described in the ’70’s song “Feelings” by Morris Albert. The memorable refrain there is, “Feelings, nothing more than feelings.”

That song is a great example of our ambivalence about feelings.  While the explicit theme is how peripheral and unimportant feelings are, the entire song is about how they dominate the singer’s life.

Making time for feelings empowers us.

This is such an important point.  Our feelings powerfully, and often invisibly, affect us and our relationship to time.  And the good news is that you can harness the power of your feelings so that you are in sync with yourself.

When you approach your feelings with acceptance, curiosity, and compassion, your full energy becomes available to you.

Just as your car runs more smoothly and requires less energy to go faster and farther when the wheels are in perfect alignment, you perform better when your thoughts, feelings, emotions, goals, and values are in balance.

So, how will you start making time for your feelings today?

Here are some more ideas:

Overwhelmed? Discouraged? Stuck? Well, here’s something that will help you loosen those logjams and start moving again. “Why Can’t I Ever Get Anything Done?” How to Transform Your Life Using These 101 Time Tips is a compilation of 101 of my most popular time tips in expanded form, offering practical, heart-based wisdom in right-sized bites for easy digestion.

It includes time-tested tips and action steps separated into 11 common categories to help you find just what you need in the moment you need it. You know, transforming your life is all about transforming your time.  It’s within your reach, and these 101 Time Tips give you 101 stepping stones to your time success.

And I’ve got a very special bonus for you, too. Why Can’t I Find My Direction?” 17 Journaling Prompts to Create Your Ideal Life is a workbook designed to support you in making the changes you most desire.

There’s so much for you here, and you can learn about it by clicking the link below:

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