Simple, practical task templates are among the most useful time management tools going. Easy to create and maintain, they are powerful time-savers that you need to add to your time management repertoire, if you haven’t already.
Finding time by using practical task templates is an accessible path for reducing your stress and increasing your daily effectiveness.
Computers, tablets and smartphones make templates very easy to create, tweak, track, and use from almost anywhere. And even if you’re like me and still prefer paper and pencil for some tasks, templates work just fine on paper, too. (The tweaking and tracking parts are a lot easier when you use a computer, though, I have to admit.)
You can use templates for everything from holiday planning to your weekly shopping chores, to seasonal tasks, to making sure that vital business functions get tended to. Whatever you use them for, you can rest assured that each and every time you make a template you are giving your time management repertoire a big boost.
Templates: Why Are They So Helpful?
Practical task templates save you time by freeing you from having to review or recreate repeatable steps. Why reinvent the wheel, when you don’t need to?
Think of your task templates as a recipe or a sewing pattern. The templates you create for yourself spring from the same premise.
You certainly don’t want to sit down and rewrite that recipe or recreate that pattern every time you want to sew or cook. Instead, you pull out the pattern or recipe and follow its basic outline. And maybe you embellish or tweak it as you go – but you have a path to follow. That saves you TONS of time, not to mention helping you avoid mistakes.
Templates for the Holiday Season
Holidays provide excellent occasions for making use of templates, as there are so many details you want to remember. For a taste of how templates can work for you as the holiday season approaches, take a look at this pre-holiday post: Time Choices: 3 Tips for Using Templates This Holiday Time.
Whether you use them for big occasions or daily tasks, templates assure that you don’t miss key steps. Not only that, but they free up your mind and your energy so that you can more fully live each of your moments.
So, how will you start to incorporate simple, practical task templates into your life? What will be your first step?
Here’s some help…
Your life is busy. Whether it’s seasonal changes, work, vacation planning, or unpredictable events that intrude, you’re making decisions from the time you wake up to the moment you go to bed. And I don’t mean life-changing decisions. Most often, they’re the small, everyday choices — often pretty much the same choices over and over.
You might think that having choices would always be a plus. But in reality, too many choices can be exhausting. You might not even notice, because they are often so small. But all the decisions drain you and slow you down, sapping energy that you could be applying to other things.
So today I want to share my newest E-Guide with you. It gives you tools for easing ‘decision fatigue’ and helps you make the most of your time. It’s powerful, practical, and it absolutely works.
Just click the link below and discover what Transforming Your Time and Life with Templates has to offer you.
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