Seasonal Rituals, Seasonal Chores, and the Seasons of Your Life

seasonal rituals to savor
Savor seasonal rituals…

Seasonal rituals mark your passage through your days, months, and years. They come and go like clockwork.

As you evolve, they evolve. They change with time, and they also serve as touchstones that help you see how you have changed.

Seasonal rituals include mundane everyday tasks as well as more momentous markers of meaning and change. Maybe it’s a holiday celebration that you and your family cherish, or maybe it’s an activity like getting the lawnmower ready for a season of grass-cutting.

So, for example, it’s been sunny and hot here in the Northeast in recent days. Did you find time to put your winter clothes away before the temperatures got hot this year, or did you get caught wearing wool?

Your seasonal rituals…

A day like today prompts thoughts about seasonal rituals and chores, and how to manage them.  Whether you welcome or dread these tasks, they regularly roll around, requiring our time and attention.

One of my fondest memories as a youngster was the twice-yearly “clothes swap.” We were lucky to have a storage space where there was room enough to put away some of our clothes. So, each year — once in the spring and once in the fall — my mother would initiate the swap. I would then trade one season’s clothes for the next — storing away what I wouldn’t be using, getting rid of things that I had outgrown, and anticipating with excitement the coming months and their seasonal pleasures.

More than ‘just’ chores…

Seasonal chores represent tasks that must be accomplished at particular times each year. They can be more than that, as well. Seasonal rituals such as the “clothes swap” provide markers as our years unfold.

They offer opportunities to address changing needs and anticipate coming events, as well as moments to reflect on changes that time has wrought.  These regular chores also create memories of their own, as they become part and parcel of the rhythm of our lives.

Like the holiday traditions that you create, seasonal rituals and chores can be occasions for a kind of celebration. Framed that way, they are easier to welcome and you can experience them with greater depth and openness. That enhances the entire experience and makes it easier to enjoy and complete these chores the next time they roll around.

What kinds of seasonal rituals do you engage in at this time of year? How do you feel about them? Are there ways that you could welcome them more fully and, perhaps, enhance your experience? I’d love to hear

Here’s more help…

Your life is busy. Whether it’s work, vacation planning, or unpredictable events that intrude, you’re making decisions from the time you wake up to the moment you go to bed. And I don’t mean life-changing decisions. Most often, they’re the small, everyday choices — often pretty much the same choices over and over.

Seasonal rituals and chores are a good example. They often involve the same steps. But from year-to-year, maybe you forget what was involved in getting your pool ready for summer fun. That’s where my new E-Guide comes in.

It gives you tools for creating templates that help you remember all the details, without having to hold them in your head. It will ease your ‘decision fatigue’ and help you make the most of your time. It’s powerful, practical, and it absolutely works.

Just click the link below and discover what Transforming Your Time and Life with Templates has to offer you.

Let’s explore time together…

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