New opportunities come as we embark on a new month. Starting new offers a natural pause to reflect, reset, and refocus. It’s a reminder that no matter what the past weeks have looked like, now you have a fresh start to shape the life you envision. As you step into this month, what self-care goals…
Your Self-Care Practice and Your Productivity
Your self-care practice is vital to your well-being. But in our fast-paced world, it often gets sidelined in favor of productivity. We juggle tasks and push through fatigue, believing that the more we do, the more we accomplish. However, research shows that prioritizing your self-care is not just a luxury; it’s essential for sustained productivity…
Living Fully as You Age and Enjoying Your Journey
Living fully as you grow older can be a challenge sometimes. As the years accumulate, your feelings about this process shift and evolve. You may lose capacity in some areas. With years of living, there come losses as well as gains. I recently celebrated a birthday. And I noticed that the particular ways that I…
Knowing What You Need — Your Best Self-Care Key
Knowing what you need isn’t always easy. And yet, it is key to optimizing your efficiency and effectiveness. It can be a challenge, especially when you are very busy, to slow down and take care of yourself. But when you invest in self-care, the payoff is big. Conversely, NOT putting time and energy toward self-care…
Start Clearing Your Clutter — 5 Timely Tips
When you start clearing your clutter you are giving yourself an energizing and practical gift. Why is it important to start clearing your clutter today? Well, whether it’s in your space, on your to-do list, or something you carry in your mind, it’s fundamentally debilitating. It makes every task take longer than it needs to…
Give Yourself What You Need — Sustenance for the New Year
When you give yourself what you need you are giving yourself a solid base. And yet, how often do we actually do this for ourselves? In fact, how often do you feel like you’re running against a stopwatch and depleting yourself in the process? Don’t you sometimes wish that someone would come along and give you…
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