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Used with permission from Paula Eder, Ph.D., The Time Finder Expert.
Paula is an internationally-known coach and published author who specializes in mentoring heart-based entrepreneurs and small business owners, from the inside out, to align their core values and energy with their time choices and behaviors so they make more money, create more freedom, and find more time.
To learn more about Paula’s unique, Heart-Based Time Management™ System and begin your transformational journey, sign up for her Finding Time Success Kit at https://thetimefinder.com
To your time success…
Paula Eder, PhD, The Time Finder Expert
Master Coach and Mentor
Founder, Heart-Based Time Management™
PO Box 157, Francestown, NH 03043
Here’s one of our popular time tools: http://thetimefinder.com/PerfectionismGuide.html
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