Starting your day with some special time with yourself sets the tone for what follows.
So, why not give yourself that gift every day?
A morning ritual offers a chance to celebrate your accomplishments and just being YOU. And it gives you a reliable energy boost, first thing.
Today I’m sharing 3 tips for creating a most enticing treat for starting your day — each and every morning.
Tip #1: Create an intention for starting your day.
This is a straightforward way to bring happiness into your day. Open your morning ritual by inviting yourself to express what activity (or lack of activity) will feel most welcome.
Speaking your intention aloud helps attune you to your feelings and to the sense of ease you experience in your body. As you close up your ritual, validate that you have given yourself this gift because you care about yourself. On some level, you are always listening to yourself. Kind words are always welcome.
Tip #2: Plant the seeds for your morning ritual the night before.
As you drift off to sleep, you are especially receptive to positive suggestions. So envision fully immersing yourself in the pleasure of your morning ritual as you go to sleep. Allow the pleasure to add a few more rays of brightness to the day you are ending. You’ll awaken from sleep refreshed and ready for your special time.
Tip #3: Let your ritual honor your essential self.
What makes you unique? Do you follow a path of intention that guides you when challenges arise? Rituals can be opportunities to turn an appreciative eye inward. Ask yourself meaningful questions, and allow any answers or images to arise intuitively. You may be surprised by what pops up.
Notice what happens when you actively validate who you are. In fact, consider spending a few minutes in front of the mirror. What do you need to hear today? Tell yourself, and take it in.
As you assimilate and incorporate these tips into the flow of your day, what changes do you notice? How will you expand on your rituals for starting your day?
Want more help starting your day?
Have you had times in your life that just felt good to you? Moments that you would go back to if you could? I call this your ‘Ideal Day” and it’s different for each of us.
What do you picture when you imagine something like that for yourself? Are you peaceful and quiet? Maybe you’re focused and fully engaged in a project or pursuit. The answers will be unique to you, but what’s always the same, though, is that it’s something you can give yourself whenever you choose.
So, let me introduce my new E-Guide titled Living Your Ideal Day: How to Move Past Barriers and Find Your Way to More Time, Space and Energy.
This E-Guide and its bonus checklist offer a path to deeper self-knowledge along with practical, heart-based time wisdom. Ready to become an expert in living your time to its fullest? Living Your Ideal Day will get you started.
Click here if you’re ready to discover more right now.
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