Projects – Manage Expectations and Find Time

As fall unfolds, how many projects do you have on our plate? And, more to the point, how are you managing them? Whether you’re in school, a parent, an entrepreneur or a coach, you probably have lots of projects percolating and maybe an equal number coming due. It 

Evaluation Power-3 Tips for Using Your Experience to Find Time

Evaluation is a powerful tool that is too often neglected – especially when we are busy and overwhelmed.  Yet that is precisely when we can benefit the most from the power of evaluation. That’s because evaluating where you’ve been enables you to see the successes … and the pitfalls … 

Ready to Start Accomplishing Your Goals? Try Asking Yourself Some Questions!

Accomplishing your goals … is it a priority for you in 2014? For many it’s a challenge that gets more and more complicated as January 1 fades into history and the details of living intrude and add unexpected complexity to our New Year’s Resolution 

Perfectionism: Rooting Out Past Messages that Devour Today's Time

Perfectionism is a problem that often parades itself as a positive.  Yet it’s a trait that eats up your time and keeps you from accomplishing your goals. Looking to the Past to Prevent Perfectionism In some recent blog posts, we have 

Perfectionism: Rooting Out Past Messages that Devour Today’s Time

Perfectionism is a problem that often parades itself as a positive.  Yet it’s a trait that eats up your time and keeps you from accomplishing your goals. Looking to the Past to Prevent Perfectionism In some recent blog posts, we have