Find Time for Success: A Guest Post by Sandra Martini

Success – is it eluding you no matter how hard you work?  Are you frustrated and discouraged about it all? Well, you aren’t alone … and I am so pleased to share a very timely and relevant guest post today from Sandra Martini of  My

Finding Time to Separate the Routines from the Rituals

Finding time is so special that you’d probably like to use any minutes that you are able to find in the best way possible! But it’s not always crystal clear what is best, is it? I’d like to suggest that rituals are one way of keeping the slivers of precious time that you find from…

Find Time With 7 Timely Tips

Finding time for what matters most to you is not a matter of magic.  Not at all! Each and every one of us can develop the skills and apply the discipline needed to find time. I’ve compiled 7 timely tips and touchstones for you that will help you along your path to time success.  Give…

Finding Time to Start Your Project

This Friday we are sharing another adapted article from our Finding Time E-zine.  Today’s focus?  Getting started on a project. When faced with a new project, do you find yourself stuck before you begin? Whether you stall out or rush in, you’ll find these tips about preparation extremely helpful. You benefit in a number of…

Finding Time to Go For It!

What does it mean to go for it? Well, finding time for what matters most is a worthy goal, and it is also a daily challenge.  It’s important to remember, as we negotiate our daily priorities, that the power to make time choices is always in our hands! So,  go for it! No matter what…

Finding Time with Self Discipline

Finding time in today’s busy world is a challenge that we all confront daily.  Self discipline is a very important ingredient in any effort to find time.  And yet, self discipline often has a connotation of scarcity and of self denial. I’d like to turn that idea on its head and reframe self-discipline as a…

Find Time to Boost Your Energy, Productivity, and Satisfaction – 7 Tips!

How do you keep your energy from flagging when you are busy? Finding time for accomplishing daily tasks or working toward long term goals requires focus and discipline.  Building in small rewards for yourself along the way can help you stay on track, as well as providing breaks that motivate and refresh! Energy thrives with…