Stuck? Scared? Turn Toward Trouble and Find Time!

When you’re stuck, scared or just plain stymied, the temptation is to turn (or run) away from whatever you perceive as the problem.  It’s instinctual – a knee jerk reaction that may have saved us back when dinosaurs wandered the earth. But it often doesn’t serve us now.  In fact, in many cases it’s about…

Find Time for Success: A Guest Post by Sandra Martini

Success – is it eluding you no matter how hard you work?  Are you frustrated and discouraged about it all? Well, you aren’t alone … and I am so pleased to share a very timely and relevant guest post today from Sandra Martini of  My

Finding Time to Age Gracefully

Finding time to age gracefully is a goal for many of us who are Baby Boomers or beyond.  Is this something that’s on your mind? We each respond in our own, unique ways to the developmental changes that we encounter.  However, with such large numbers of us hitting particular milestones at the same time, everyone…

Find Time to Listen to What Your Time Choices Have to Say to You!

Finding time to listen is key to knowing yourself. And part of what that means is learning what’s important to you. Finding time for what matters most is the core goal of my Heart-Based Time Management system.  So, with all the responsibilities and demands of modern life, how do you figure out “what matters most”?…

Find Time for Success and Abundance!

Finding time for success and abundance in your life … especially in today’s economic climate … may sound like an out-of-reach aspiration. But I encourage you to take another look. Many of us carry outmoded and self-limiting ways of thinking about things like time and money and success.  These are the small but persistent messages…