Your breath is always with you. Indeed, breathing is something we all do in every moment of our lives. It has a huge impact on how you experience your moments and your time. And yet, how often do you think about your breath? It can reduce your stress or it can increase it. And you…
Breathe, Just Breathe, and Release Your Stress
Stress is a huge energy drain. It eats into your productivity and certainly diminishes your experience of your moments. But just breathe to relieve it? Really? What kinds of stressors do you experience in your life today? I have heard from friends that the 24-hour news cycle can be a great source of distraction and…
Breathing — Not only Does It Keep You Going, It Keeps You Calm
Breathing is foundational. It’s also generally not something we think about. And yet, finding time to breathe when you are busy can sometimes seem impossible. Slowing down is the last thing on your mind. Indeed, “How can I squeeze in one more thing?” is what you’re more likely to ask. It’s a universal issue… I can…
Deep Breathing to Find Peace, Energy, and Time
Deep breathing is a simple and powerful skill. When you cultivate and practice it, you do yourself a huge favor. Easy and always-accessible, deep breathing is a practice that reduces stress, improves your health in some very clear ways, and offers renewed energy and clarity whenever you implement it. Honestly, it’s THAT helpful and good for…
Relaxation Tips to Refresh and Rejuvenate Your Time
Relaxation isn’t usually at the top of anyone’s list of New Year’s Resolutions. But, when it comes to being able to actually follow through on plans and aspirations, relaxation and self-care aren’t indulgences. Indeed, I’d like to propose that you reframe relaxation as a responsibility in this New
Finding Time with Balance, Breathing, Planning and Other Top Posts from The Time Finder!
Finding time is always a challenge – and The Time Finder is all about helping you with that! And one of my favorite monthly rituals is finding time to go back and review what readers were most drawn to in the previous month on The Time Finder. You’ll notice that in some cases, they are…
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