Dance with Change to Stay Balanced and Energized

What do I mean when I suggest that you dance with change? Well, when you’re going through periods of change and transition you are moving. And movement requires continually establishing and reestablishing your balance.  This is a skill that you can develop and hone for yourself.  And as you practice, you bring more intentionality to…

Lists – As Life Gets Busy, Are You Fully Utilizing This Powerful Tool?

Lists — there are lots of different kinds, and they serve different functions. As we enter what is arguably one of the busiest times of year for lots of folks, lists can help you stay organized and on top of your game. Often, I’ve written about starting small and building from that base. For many people,…

Google Calendar Plus HashtagToDo-A Winning Combo for Finding Time!

Google Calendar is an excellent tool for tracking your schedule, in part because it’s generally accessible to you no matter where you are and what device you’re using. And while I’m still a paper calendar user, my VA uses Google Calendar for most 

Declutter Time? Start from Zero to Win Big!

Spring brings the call to declutter. Is that true for you? As you open windows, let in fresh air, and enjoy the returning light (in the Northern Hemisphere, at least), do your thoughts turn to the dusty piles of papers, the old clothes, and the unused gadgets that have accumulated in your life through the…

Deadlines – Color Your Calendar to Find Time!

Deadlines. We all have them, and managing them can be a challenge – especially if you’ve got very tight, or intersecting, or competing deadlines. Too often, deadlines create anxiety, stress, and rebelliousness. A looming deadline sends many people into a tailspin – the kind of state that makes denial and procrastination look like attractive alternatives. But…

Templates and Spreadsheets Excel for Finding Time!

Templates are wonderful tools for finding time, and if you’ve never used one, today is a great day to get started. Templates are especially good for saving you time with tasks that you repeat with some frequency. Let’s say you often travel for your work.  Developing templates for packing saves untold time – not to…

Cyber Monday Snippet from The Time Finder!

Cyber Monday isn’t about shopping here at The Time Finder. No, Cyber Monday is the day, each and every week, that we highlight time-saving tech tools and tips.  It’s all about how you can be more efficient and effective in your on-line activities, whether you’re