Deadlines – Color Your Calendar to Find Time!

Deadlines. We all have them, and managing them can be a challenge – especially if you’ve got very tight, or intersecting, or competing deadlines. Too often, deadlines create anxiety, stress, and rebelliousness. A looming deadline sends many people into a tailspin – the kind of state that makes denial and procrastination look like attractive alternatives. But…

Tech Tips: Twipster, Tabman, and an Evernote Tweak Help You Find Time!

Tech tips are what we’re about on our Cyber Monday’s here at The Time Finder.  And today I’d like to share 3 tools and tweaks to help you use your time more efficiently when you are on line. As always, with tech tips, the key is to find the ones that work for YOU!  It…

Finding Time to Get Organized – New Technology in the New Year

Finding time to get organized, and then stay organized, is a perennial challenge.  As more and more information becomes available to us, it is also an increasingly difficult challenge to sort out what is useful and what is not. These things present time challenges that the New Year often brings to the fore, as we…