Circle of Calm — A Gift to Give Yourself at Holiday Time

Creating a Circle of Calm for yourself may just be one of the finest gifts going at this time of year. As we step into the holiday season, wouldn’t you love to find time to travel someplace restorative whenever you need or want to? It’s easier than you think when you create a path to…

Quiet Your Mind — 4 Tried and True Stress Reducers

When you quiet your mind, no matter what stresses press on your time, you give yourself breathing space and an energy boost. And while there may be times in your life when this feels like an impossible goal, it actually never is. What’s required is a simple choice on your part. And that choice is…

When Times are Calm, Do You Still Set Boundaries?

Whether times are calm or stressful, time boundaries help shape your energy and your time. And yet, we are most likely to think about the need for boundaries when we are most stressed. Stressful times… Establishing and maintaining your time boundaries is a challenge anytime. And when you are under stress, it can be even…

Breathing — Not only Does It Keep You Going, It Keeps You Calm

Breathing is foundational. It’s also generally not something we think about. And yet, finding time to breathe when you are busy can sometimes seem impossible. Slowing down is the last thing on your mind.  Indeed, “How can I squeeze in one more thing?” is what you’re more likely to ask. It’s a universal issue… I can…

Strong Time: 3 Markers for Your Heart-Based Journey

In our last post we explored the concept of Strong Time and the profoundly different experience of time (and of yourself) that it offers. Remember, the most powerful promise of the Heart-Based Time Management™ System is about opening up to yourself and your own unexplored potential.

Relax! Enhance Your Holiday Moments Using These Timely Affirmations

Finding time to relax can be a real challenge during the holidays.  But, if you don’t relax, there’s a good possibility that stress will drain your moments of their joy and meaning. So, today I’d like to share some affirmations to help you let down and relax, no matter what.  Using these affirmations, you’ll find…