Weathering life’s storms is something we all have to do from time to time. Life’s challenges can often feel overwhelming — much like being caught in an unexpected storm. However, with the right mindset and strategies, you can navigate these tough times and even uncover deeper meaning in the process. So, here are three tips to…
Embracing Change Without Losing Yourself
Embracing change can be a challenge. We may be creatures of habit, but life always has a way of surprising us. Maybe your days are unfolding as usual. Then, suddenly, a curveball comes flying in. Sudden changes can feel unsettling, whether it’s a career shift, an unexpected move, or a major change in a relationship.…
Weathering Change — It’s Often a Matter of Perspective
Weathering change isn’t always easy. In fact, changes represent upheavals. Your life is thrown off course. Small or large, welcome or not, changes are constant, and navigating them is an essential skill. Finding time, whenever you can, is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself. Whether you’re confronted with a crisis, dealing with…
Responding to Change Keeps You In the Game
Responding to change requires agility and acceptance. It can be a challenge, and the more adept you are at responding to change, the more present you will be in your life. This weekend we may have our first significant frost here in New Hampshire. It has been so temperate, to this point, that many plants…
One Small Change at a Time Gets You There
One small change at a time. It really is how changes happen. But we tend to forget that. And this ‘forgetting often takes the form of either catastrophizing about missteps or getting complacent when we are doing well. When we forget that change is incremental, we are likely to lose our footing. Embracing this perspective means…
Six Stages of Change — Where You are Makes a Big Difference
Where you are relative to the Six Stages of Change makes a huge difference when you’re going through transitions. That’s because change is never a single event in time, but a series of insights, commitments, and events building one upon the other. Prochaska and Clemente’s Stages of Change Model helps to clearly illustrate this. And…
Acceptance and Agility Make for Smooth Transitions
Acceptance and agility are key when it comes to successfully managing yourself and your time as you navigate transitions. This has been brought home to me in a small, and very concrete way recently, as we transition from summer to fall here in New Hampshire. Lately, the temperatures have ranged widely. In the space of just…
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