‘Chunked Planning’ allows you to be responsive to the events and emotions that invariably crop up in your day. If you’d like to learn more about just how that works, check out our previous posts titled: Chunked Planning Makes So Much More Possible — Part 1; and Chunked Planning for Increased Focus — Here’s Part…
Chunked Planning Makes So Much More Possible — Part 1
Finding time to get stuff done while also taking care of yourself — that’s your daily challenge. And if you’re like me, you probably like to plan your day ahead. Planning is a powerful and practical time management tool. But what about sudden change? Change, especially when it’s sudden and unexpected, throws a wrench in…
Beat Procrastination Right Now – 5 Timely Tips!
Procrastination is a serious challenge for LOTS of people, so if you’re one of them, you are not alone! The reasons that people procrastinate vary, but the results are the same – ALWAYS. When procrastination is one of your go-to time choices, you are also choosing stress, frustration, dwindling self-confidence … and lots of other challenges. Ultimately,…
Procrastination Frustration? Solve it with 3 Timely Questions!
Procrastination steals your time and energy. It eats away at your confidence and self trust. It adds to your stress. It’s nothing but frustrating and discouraging! And it’s something that we all do from time to time – often unconsciously. So, the first step in dealing with procrastination is to make it visible to yourself.…
Incremental Time-Scale Your Time Choices to Your Needs
Incremental time is a powerful way to approach your time choices. When it comes to time, one size doesn’t fit all, and that’s where incremental time comes in. It’s about taking a mindful and flexible view of your tasks and priorities – a view that ultimately frees you
Task Planning – Increased Detail Equals Increased Success!
Task planning is a time management skill that offers a surefire path for getting you from where you are to where you want to be. In other blog posts recently we’ve written about the power of chunking tasks down into bite-sized pieces, respecting your natural work rhythms,
Decluttering in Doable Chunks — Your 52-Week Challenge
Decluttering is a worthy goal, no matter where you are on the clutter spectrum! That’s because clutter doesn’t get rid of itself, AND wherever it exists, it eats up energy and time. If your space is cluttered, everything you undertake is going to take just a little bit longer. And I’m not talking about physical…
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