Declutter Time? Start from Zero to Win Big!

Spring brings the call to declutter. Is that true for you? As you open windows, let in fresh air, and enjoy the returning light (in the Northern Hemisphere, at least), do your thoughts turn to the dusty piles of papers, the old clothes, and the unused gadgets that have accumulated in your life through the…

Find Time to Give Your Clutter the Heave Ho and Live With Clarity and Joy!

Finding time to clear out the “stuff” that gets in your way is an ongoing task for most of us.  Whether that “stuff” is e-mail clogging your in-box, objects littering your space, or thoughts and worries that keep you stuck … it’s all clutter.  And it all manages to get between you and your ability…

Find Time to Clear the Clutter Clogging Your Space and Your Schedule!

Finding time to clear the clutter from your life, be it in your space or on your To Do List, is one of the surest ways I know of to decrease stress while increasing your efficiency and effectiveness. Try imagining your life as a garden. How do your flowers or vegetables thrive?  Well, for one…

Find Time to Tell Clutter Who’s Boss!

Finding time to keep ahead of all the clutter in your life, whether it’s in your space, your time, or in your mind is one of the biggest challenges that we face in this day and age. Not only that, but the busier you get, the harder it can feel to keep up. If your…

Find Time for Clear, Strong, HeartBased Intentions in 2010

Finding time for New Year’s Resolutions is a fairly typical activity in early January of a New Year. Do you have a list for yourself? How do you see it?  Is it a list of “shoulds” or is it your roadmap for making your dreams a reality?  Are your heart and your head in sync?…