Chrome Extension to Help You De-Clutter and Find Time

This is a Google Chrome extension that I think you’re going to like – especially as you make plans to de-clutter and get organized for the start of a New Year! It’s called Tab Snooze and it’s a Chrome extension that allows you to make your browser tabs disappear when you don’t need them and…

Find Time to Let Go of One Piece of Clutter Tonight!

Finding time to deal with clutter is often a matter of learning to let go.  It’s a challenge, and at the same time … it’s very doable.  The key is to figure out what works for YOU! That’s because, just as we are all unique, so is our relationship to whatever clutters up our lives. …

Find Time by Clearing Clutter

Finding time can sometimes feel like clearing brush (to borrow a metaphor from our outgoing President).  Managing our time and our space (both mental and physical) so that we can get to the things that are priorities in our lives can sometimes feels like it requires a bush hog or maybe in this season, a…