Find Time for Success: A Guest Post by Sandra Martini

Success – is it eluding you no matter how hard you work?  Are you frustrated and discouraged about it all? Well, you aren’t alone … and I am so pleased to share a very timely and relevant guest post today from Sandra Martini of  My

7 Time Myths That Keep You Stuck, Self-Critical and Stressed!

Time myths … we all harbor them, and they eat away at our helpful time habits, leaving us frustrated and behind-the-eight-ball. Often, time myths are instilled by our culture, our early messages, and behaviors we have observed in others.  They are deeply embedded … 

Find Time to Enjoy Whatever Your Day Brings

Finding time to appreciate what your day brings your way can be a challenge sometimes – but it’s well worth the effort! As those who know me are pretty well aware, to say that I’m not a big fan of snow would be a bit of an understatement!  It invariably throws schedules out of whack,…

Find Time to Give Your Dreams Some Landing Gear!

Finding time for dialogue with members of the Finding Time community is one of my favorite things!  We invite readers’ questions and comments – and I love highlighting them here, most Thursday’s.  Read on – and please feel invited to join in! Not too long ago I had a Tweet from CozyCoach (aka Jennifer Scovil). …

Finding Time To Master Your Inner Game – in Your Work and in Your Life

Finding time to attain mastery isn’t easy …  nor is accessing the best tools to attain your goals. That’s why I am very excited to depart slightly from my Cyber Monday routine, to tell you about an exciting opportunity to learn from some of the most skilled, experienced and creative business-building experts I know!  To…

Find Time to Clarify Your Time Priorities by Clarifying What You Value

On her blog Money, Meaning and Beyond, Andrea J. Lee has a regular feature titled “A Course About People | 5 Little Things You Want To Know” where she posts snippets of wisdom from Thomas Leonard, founder of Coachville, and often known as the father of life coaching. This gem caught my eye yesterday: “People…

Finding Time to Get Started and Stick With It

Once you get started, you’ve won part of the battle. Sticking with it is what carries you over the finish line. That’s how you create a new habit. So how does that work for you? One of my coaching clients recently contacted me with a time management problem that may sound familiar to many of you:…