Beat Procrastination and Stress-Tops from The Time Finder!

Procrastination is a stumbling block for lots and lots of folks, and if you’re one of them, you know how frustrating and self-defeating it can be. Whether you’re a student, a working Mom, a small business owner, an online entrepreneur, or anyone with goals and tasks to accomplish, procrastination does nothing but get in your way…

Stress, Your Energy and Your Time – Helpful Affirmations

Stress is a fact of life.  There’s no getting around it; BUT you can develop skills for managing it. Managing your stress well contributes a LOT to your success – and even more importantly, to the quality of your relationships, your moments … and your life! When it comes to stress management, 

Our Schedules, Ourselves-How Busy People Find Time

Our schedules are, all too often, our masters rather than our servants.  And when that’s the case, our schedules aren’t truly ours.   What that means in practice is that they aren’t going to work very well for us.  Okay, so, what does work well, then? When it comes to our schedules, the emphasis needs to be…

Your To Do List at Your Fingertips with Dayboard

A To Do List is a key tool for keeping your tasks organized and your top priorities  at the forefront of your consciousness. In the past, we’ve written here about ways to make your to do lists more useful (so that you really do what’s on your list) and more user friendly.

Verbs are Important-Find the Right One and Find Time!

Verbs are important!  Who’s the last person that uttered  that phrase to you? I’m guessing it may have been a long-ago teacher, extolling the virtues of action verbs and encouraging you to make your writing more vivid and engaging. Other than that late-elementary-school 

Change and You-Use Affirmations to Shape Your Time!

Change is a fact of life. Whether it’s change that we choose, change that evolves over time, or change that arrives suddenly, change is disruptive… and change changes us! There are the changes that come with aging.  They arrive gradually but can feel sudden when 

Finding Time to Enjoy the Ride: 5 Timely Tips about Time and Aging!

Finding time to enjoy the passage of time is a wonderful skill to develop.  It involves self-awareness, compassion, and a good measure of letting go. Who forces time is pushed back by time; who yields to time finds time on his side.  The Talmud There are certain times – like the beginning of a New…