Find Time to Stretch Your Mindset into Abundance and Creativity – Got 30 Seconds?

Wow – what an exciting call we had last night!  Artist and Creativity Coach Ellene Breedlove Davis shared secrets, suggestions and solutions about … “Finding Time to be Creative: Portrait of the Artist.” On the call Ellene offered fantastic tips about creativity, learning to plan your time and set boundaries for yourself, and starting to…

Finding Time to Create Abundance with Gratitude

Finding time can begin with finding your heart. That might seem counter-intuitive, but think about it.  So often, when we are busy, the connection to our heart feels fainter. That, in turn, can start a constriction that leads straight to urgency, frustration and feeling that there’s simply not enough to go around. When you feel…

Find Time to Plan (Especially if Schedules Bring Out the Rebel in You)!

Finding time for scheduling and planning can be difficult. I was witness to a very interesting group discussion recently, in which the words scheduling and planning were pivotal.  It quickly became clear that for many in the group, the word that they chose was key in determining how they responded to the task they were…

Find Time to Renew Yourself With the Attitude of Gratitude

Finding time for what matters most can be a big challenge sometimes, can’t it?  What gets in the way for you?  Do you occasionally feel: Overwhelmed by the number of tasks on your to do list? Distracted, discouraged and depleted because of the many people in your life who need or want or expect you…