Excellence Doesn’t Have to be Elusive – Here’s What Helps

Excellence is something that many of us strive for. A worthy goal, excellence is not something easily attained. So what helps? In a nutshell: focus and discipline. Think about an Olympic athlete, a successful entrepreneur, a musical prodigy. What do they have in common? Talent and something more… The journey to the realization of Olympic…

Decluttering, Gratitude, Flexibility and Gmail — Time Finder Favorites

Decluttering was high on the list of readers’ priorities this past month. That’s just one of the things we discovered as we looked back at our top posts. Looking back provides a base, always, for stepping ahead. This is true whether you’re analyzing the performance of your blog, setting priorities for a new month, or trying…

Distraction and the Gentle Discipline of Mindfulness

Distraction is a hallmark of this era. We are bombarded with information from every direction, and we also expect to have immediate answers to the questions that pop into our minds. Consider the fact that Google is both a noun and a verb. What a clear indicator that is of how embedded the expectation of instant…

Flexibility and Goals – Can They Co-Exist?

Flexibility is so important in our fast-paced, ever-changing world. And yet, what goals, dreams and ambitions seem to call for are qualities like focus, discipline, and determination. So can you exercise flexibility and still hold goals as priorities? How is it possible to hold these two important attributes — flexibility and being goal-directed — and find time…

Choosing to Savor in Stillness Transforms Your Time

Choosing to savor transforms your time! Choosing is a complex and often unconscious process. Whether it’s choosing what’s ‘best’ or choosing what we want, or making choices based on other considerations, we are constantly choosing. We do it hundreds of times each day – choosing. One moment it’s an active choice and maybe the next…

Your Present Moment-Stillness, Choice and Transformation

Your present moment – this moment – the one you are in right now – is the intersection between your past and your future. If you let them, your time choices come alive in this moment. At once profound and mysterious, your present moment is a place of stillness.  As you allow yourself to settle in…

Slow Down to Catch Up-September’s Time Wisdom

Slow down!  How many time have you heard that advice…from your grandparents, long ago…from your doctor, perhaps…from spiritual advisers,,,even from a small, wise voice inside. Well, now your time management expert is telling you that, too. It’s the single best way to re-group, re-focus, and re-energize yourself.  It costs nothing, and all it takes is…